
Сүүлд нэмэгдсэн шинэ мэдээлэл

We met with representatives of startups and discussed the problems

Niisleliin Zasag dargyn Niigmiin salbar, nogoon khögjil bolon agaar, orchny bokhirdlyn asuudal khariutssan orlogch L.Khosbayar Biznyes innovatsyn gazryn dergedekh Ulaanbaatar innovatsyn töviin startapuudyn tölöölöltei uulzaj, tulgamdaj bui asuudal bolon shiidliin talaar sanal soliltsloo. Show more 275 / 5,000 L. Hosbayar, the Deputy Mayor of the capital responsible for social sector, green development and air and environmental pollution, met with the representatives of the startups of the Ulaanbaatar Innovation Center under the Department of Business Innovation and exchanged opinions on the problems and solutions.

John Doe
